signs from God

I’d like to start out with saying my dad is doing excellent.  Never a problem with nausea, hasn’t been back in the hospital since the beginning.  He’s full of confidence and has no worries.  Sunday we all spent the day in Seattle and had a really great time.  His head is in a fog from the chemo but that will go away in time. He’s weak, but he walks a lot and now he’s lifting light weights. His 4th chemo treatment will be this Thursday.

I’m a month late in getting my routine cat scan because the insurance wont cover it like they have in the past.  It’s a $3000 scan and I don’t have $3000 laying around.  I wonder how people make it who have health conditions, no insurance and barely enough income to get by.  When you think you have it bad, you should stop feeling sorry for yourself and realize that we all have our own challenges.  Through the years I’ve realized that we can always take care of our problems.  They’re irritating and frustrating but things usually work out in the end.  Our problems build character and will either make us better or worse off, depending on how we deal with them.

Yesterday morning I was doing my daily devotions and 2 verses really caught my attention.  Luke 1:37 for no word from God will ever fail.  That’s so simple and to the point.  The next verse was 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”

I went back and read Luke 1.  An angel came to tell Zechariah that his elderly wife was going to have a baby.  Zechariah questioned this and didn’t 100% believe it.  Because he had doubts Zechariah was punished and wasn’t able to speak until this promise came to past.  So it got me thinking, “oh no, what’s my punishment going to be for my doubting?  Later I realized the next verse.  “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

Jesus died on the cross and took our sins.  We are not punished the way people were BC.  I’m so thankful I live now and not then.

To continue my story:  A couple of hours later, the lab called and told me that I could get the scan and I don’t need to worry about the cost, and there was an opening in the afternoon.  I was very happy, but then filled with anxiety.  Then these 2 verses came back to me.

All of these words that I keep getting can’t be a coincidence.  After my scan my anxiety was gone.  I don’t have the results of the test yet but believe it or not, I’m at peace.




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If you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat

Matthew 14:22-33  This is the story of Jesus walking on the water.  The disciples were terrified and cried out in fear, “it’s a ghost!”  Jesus said, “Take courage! It is I.  Don’t be afraid.”  Peter told Jesus to tell him to come to him on the water so Jesus said come.  Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water.  Then he saw a wave and got scared and began to sink and cried out, “Lord, save me!”  Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.  “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

At least Peter had the courage to get out of the boat. The other disciples didn’t.  If you want something, ALWAYS ask God!!  Always!  Then believe without doubting.  God is always going to answer our prayers.  His answers arn’t always going to make sense on our time, but everything is always for the good on Gods time.  Trust that God has the best plan for his children.  He came to heal, restore, make whole.

Just ask God, then jump in with faith and courage.  Go walk on that water. Imagine God in front of you and walk to him. 

Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Another good friend of mine has just been diagnosed with cancer.  She’s gotten a lot of prayer and as a result has not been scared.  She’s had a real peace through what could’ve been one of the hardest times of her life.  The not knowing is the worse part, now she knows and she’s ready to go to battle in full force and win this fight.  She has God on her side and a very large support system.  God is going to show her love beyond belief through this time of battle.  We’ve already prayed for healing and we know God answers prayers to those who are faithful to him.

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Refocus your mind

Worry is a common problem for human beings.  That old saying, “Why sweat the small stuff?”……

When I look back at life before cancer I realize that I spent a lot of time worrying about things that don’t even matter.  Everything takes care of itself in time.  Problems and bumps in the road should be looked at as challenges.  They should be looked at as a game to see how quickly and in what way you will overcome these obstacles.  I still sweat the small stuff now and then, but I’m getting much better at refocusing my attention on God with my little bumps in the road. 

I have 100% faith in God and I’m completely confident that he has a plan for me.  I believe that he has saved me from cancer and I will go on to live a full life.  If I’m completely honest, I have doubts.  Not about God, but I quite often wonder if I am interpreting God correctly.  When I start to worry about my life, I know 100% that God has a plan for me, I’m just not sure what it is.  For one thing, we really don’t need to know what God’s plan is for us, and we will go crazy trying to figure it out.  We spend hours worrying when all those hours could be spent enjoying the present.  Forget about trying to figure out what Gods plan is for us.  We know that if we live our life for Christ he will be our peace and our temporary life on earth will be lived to the fullest.  He will bless us more than we ask.  Also, as long as we live our life for Christ, he will direct us without us even knowing.

I live my life in 6 month increments.  I would love to be able to plan for a long life like everyone else does.  The fact is, we all should live our lives that way.  We don’t have an expiration date posted on our foreheads, we don’t have a crystal ball.  We are not a statistic. Many people live decades longer than doctors expect and I certainly don’t plan on being one of those statistics, but if I’m wrong I know I’m in Gods’ care.

Luke 12:25  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your day?

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back home again

My dad is home, safe and sound, better than ever.  He’s now back to getting his chemo treatment on time, next Thursday.  Thanks Peggy!

He’s in great spirits, he hasn’t lost his hair yet, it’s thinning but he still has hair all over his head.  The hair on his legs and arms seems to be growing rather than falling out.  We get a good laugh out of that.

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Pray without ceasing

Today I thought it would be interesting to know how many times God talks about praying without ceasing in the Bible.  There are many more verses than I thought.  It’s pretty interesting.  When the Bible tells you something repeatedly, it’s probably a good thing to listen to.

My dad should be getting out of the hospital today.  I haven’t talked to my mom in a couple of days, but I’ve talked to my dad everyday.  Yesterday he said he was coming home today.  He said that the 2 chemo treatments have broken down the cancer ahead of time.  I kind of figured that with as many problems he had with bleeding after the first chemo treatment.  The doctor wants to wait an extra week before giving the next chemo treatment so that his body with get stronger.  It shouldn’t matter because when I got my chemo it was suppose to be every 3 weeks, but it was every 4 weeks.  The doctor told me it didn’t matter.  I know I enjoyed my extra week because it was the only week I felt good.

A friend of mine told me that she writes down a verse she wants to memorize and she quotes that verse before she prays everyday until she has it solidly memorized, then she goes to the next verse.  She keeps the verses on flash cards and carries them around with her on a key chain everywhere she goes.  Today I have 3 verses I want to share because they go together.  These are important for me because it will remind me how to pray and get the most out of my prayers.

Philippians 4:6-7, 19 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

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Lately I have turned this blog into a blog updating my fathers condition.  I’m unhappy that my father has cancer, but I know he will be OK because he is definitely a man who has a strong faith in God.  I’ve seen so many miracles in my family that  you just know the only answer is God.  My nephew Ben always told me when I was going through cancer treatment that there was nothing to worry about because grandma and grandpa were praying for me and God always answers their prayers; and you know, he’s absolutely right.  I knew it then and I know it now.  I told my dad a few days ago that I hope he’s still praying for me. 🙂

I’m pass due on my cat scan and it’s making me a little nervous but I shouldn’t be.  I’m trying to get the $3,000 lowered.  Anyway, I was on Rick Warren’s facebook page today and he wrote, “The real problem with your problem is you don’t immediately ask God for wisdom and help. James 1:2-8”  Then he says his surf board is huge.  So I looked it up and it just happens to be a passage for one of the verses I’ve listed on this blog, and it just happens to be a verse that I love and read over and over and over. James 1:6, But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”  This time I heard God speaking to me.  I want my surf board to be as big as Rick Warrens’.

My dad is going to be in the hospital for a few days.  The infection from his urinary tract has spread to his blood.  He’s being treated at Swedish by the top urologist and an infectious disease doctors.  This problem seems to be baffling and he won’t get another chemo treatment until the doctors get to the root of the problem.  So that’s good news because once and for all we are going to get his problems under control and time is the essence since his next chemo treatment is scheduled for next Thursday.  I know they will fix the problem because I have a really big surf board.

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update on my dad

My dad has been doing excellent since his 2nd chemo treatment.  It’s been hard to believe he has cancer.  He tells me that this is a bit of a wake up call and realizes that he hasn’t been looking to the kingdom of God like he should be.  Since he’s been diagnosed with cancer he has read the new testament 4 times!  That’s really cool.

On the down side, yesterday was around day 10 of his chemo cycle and anyone who knows anything about chemo knows that day 10 is the worse day of the cycle in that the white blood count is at it’s lowest.  As a result, my dad was running a fever yesterday and was extremely week.  He needed help to his car after he ate lunch, then he went home and took a nap, afterwards he struggled to walk.  My mom took him back to the ER and sure enough he has a raging urinary tract infection that spread to the blood.  He’s staying in the hospital for a few days and will be treated by an infectious disease doctor.  He seems to be doing ok though, not nearly as sick as he was last month in the hospital.

Pray for my dad that we can get these infections under control.

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A new day

It was pointed out to me yesterday that I haven’t updated the condition of my father.  He had his 2nd chemo treatment last Thursday and he got through it with ease.  I saw him Friday afternoon, and haven’t seen him since but I’ve heard he is doing just fine.  Since he had his heart attack back in 2007, he’s been on a heart healthy diet, but he’s gotten the green light to eat whatever he wants as much as he can because he needs to gain weight and gain strength.  It’s  amazing the power of prayer.  His health has taken a 180 degree turn since last month.

Monday I went to visit a new friend in the hospital who is being treated with stage 4 ovarian cancer.  She was in the recovery room after her surgery so I wasn’t able to see her, but I visited with her family for a while.  The presence of the Lord was amazing.  The family was so positive and optimistic and so filled with love.  I felt so blessed to be around all that love.  We all have to cherish each day on this earth.  Life on earth is a gift from God and to not cherish this gift must be very sad to God.  God is the one in charge of our days on this earth and when he says it’s time to go, we shouldn’t be afraid because he has a purpose for all of us.  We just need to constantly trust God and his plan.  Just think, if we put all that energy that we use to worry and we direct it to trusting that it’s all in God’s hand knowing that he only has the best plan for us, we could all live our lives to the fullest.

I believe that as long as we just trust God, he is going to bless us beyond our emagination.

Romans 8:28  And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.

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back to daily routine

Cancer is a funny thing.  Some days a person looks like death, another day that person doesn’t even look sick.

Yesterday my dad went shopping for hours, then he came home and reorganized his room.  Today he’s getting ready to do more errands and more shopping.  It’s so nice to be able to breathe a sigh of relief.  I’m so happy he’s going to be well for Easter.

Proverbs 4:20-23  My son, attend to my words; consent and submit to my sayings.  Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh.  Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.


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Stronger than ever!

My dad came home from the hospital yesterday.  He’s doing amazingly well!  Before he was diagnosed with cancer, he was becoming increasingly weaker.  Everytime he ate, he experienced extreme pain.  After just one chemo treatment he is able to eat without pain.  The doctors want him to eat anything he wants, they just want him to gain weight.  He’s been taking full advantage, he’s been eating hamburgers everyday for the past few days, today he’s eating potatoes and eggs for breakfast.  This part of his treatment he is enjoying.  He has one good week left until next Thursday when he has his next chemo treatment.  The doctors expect he will have more bleeding with the 2nd treatment while the tumor continues to break apart, but the following treatments will be much easier.

My dad has a lot of fighting power.  The first couple of weeks was more than a person can handle and I think he shut down a for a while because it was too much to process.  He’s now excepted his diagnosis and refuses to let the cancer win.

Psalm 105:37  He brought them forth also with silver and gold; and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.

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