I’d like to start out with saying my dad is doing excellent. Never a problem with nausea, hasn’t been back in the hospital since the beginning. He’s full of confidence and has no worries. Sunday we all spent the day in Seattle and had a really great time. His head is in a fog from the chemo but that will go away in time. He’s weak, but he walks a lot and now he’s lifting light weights. His 4th chemo treatment will be this Thursday.
I’m a month late in getting my routine cat scan because the insurance wont cover it like they have in the past. It’s a $3000 scan and I don’t have $3000 laying around. I wonder how people make it who have health conditions, no insurance and barely enough income to get by. When you think you have it bad, you should stop feeling sorry for yourself and realize that we all have our own challenges. Through the years I’ve realized that we can always take care of our problems. They’re irritating and frustrating but things usually work out in the end. Our problems build character and will either make us better or worse off, depending on how we deal with them.
Yesterday morning I was doing my daily devotions and 2 verses really caught my attention. Luke 1:37 for no word from God will ever fail. That’s so simple and to the point. The next verse was 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”
I went back and read Luke 1. An angel came to tell Zechariah that his elderly wife was going to have a baby. Zechariah questioned this and didn’t 100% believe it. Because he had doubts Zechariah was punished and wasn’t able to speak until this promise came to past. So it got me thinking, “oh no, what’s my punishment going to be for my doubting? Later I realized the next verse. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Jesus died on the cross and took our sins. We are not punished the way people were BC. I’m so thankful I live now and not then.
To continue my story: A couple of hours later, the lab called and told me that I could get the scan and I don’t need to worry about the cost, and there was an opening in the afternoon. I was very happy, but then filled with anxiety. Then these 2 verses came back to me.
All of these words that I keep getting can’t be a coincidence. After my scan my anxiety was gone. I don’t have the results of the test yet but believe it or not, I’m at peace.
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