Since my cancer diagnosis has me at a 20% survival rate, I’ve had a lot of struggles. I feel like I HAVE to do everything to save my life NOW! For instance, I have to learn how to eat a cancer free diet. I have to excercise hard. I have to always have a great attitude. I HAVE to have complete faith now that the cancer will never come back. I can never worry. etc.
Lets face it, I’m a human being and trying to do all of this has me failing completely. I really want to have that life style and I’m doing my best but if I eat candy once in a while, it’s ok. If I have a panic attack once in a while, it’s ok. If I don’t run or excercise everyday, it’s ok. I’ve learned that I’m putting way too much pressure on myself to do absolutely everything and it’s just not working. I admire the people that can but I’ve come to a new conclusion….
God loves me and when I was first diagnosed with cancer, he spoke these words to me. “For I know the plans I have for you. A plan to prosper you. A plan for good and not for harm. A plan for a future.” These words were spoken to me as if he were physically next to me. Well, since then, 5 years later I’m still alive and at this moment I’m cancer free. So far God has lived up to his end of the bargin and it’s a fact that I’m one of the 5 years statistics that has lived. To anyone reading this, God has honored his word. I believe there’s more to it though because God has continually spoke to me about hope. Especially since my last diagnosis in November 2011.
I truly believe God has a great future planned for me. I’ve been struggling this year thinking I’m so weak and I keep asking God to make me strong. I read today in the Bible, (I can’t remember where but I wrote it down) God works best in us when we are weak. I didn’t like that because who wants to be weak? Nobody. But then this bible verse says to let God be our strenth. Then I thought, wow. That’s the answer. I don’t need to be strong and I don’t have to worry about anything because I gain my strength through God. That makes me very strong.
Based upon everything I’ve struggled with and leaning on God for so long, this is what I’ve come up with. I have a long list of healing scriptures and everyday from now until my next cat scan in March, I’m going to memorize a verse. Everyday I will say the verses I’ve memorized along with the new verse, so tomorrow I will have memorized 2 verses.
I would like people to do this with me so that I’m not doing this alone. This is my committment to myself. Here is the 1st verse for today:
Psalms 118:17 “I will not die, but live, and Tell of the works of the Lord.”
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