A new day

It was pointed out to me yesterday that I haven’t updated the condition of my father.  He had his 2nd chemo treatment last Thursday and he got through it with ease.  I saw him Friday afternoon, and haven’t seen him since but I’ve heard he is doing just fine.  Since he had his heart attack back in 2007, he’s been on a heart healthy diet, but he’s gotten the green light to eat whatever he wants as much as he can because he needs to gain weight and gain strength.  It’s  amazing the power of prayer.  His health has taken a 180 degree turn since last month.

Monday I went to visit a new friend in the hospital who is being treated with stage 4 ovarian cancer.  She was in the recovery room after her surgery so I wasn’t able to see her, but I visited with her family for a while.  The presence of the Lord was amazing.  The family was so positive and optimistic and so filled with love.  I felt so blessed to be around all that love.  We all have to cherish each day on this earth.  Life on earth is a gift from God and to not cherish this gift must be very sad to God.  God is the one in charge of our days on this earth and when he says it’s time to go, we shouldn’t be afraid because he has a purpose for all of us.  We just need to constantly trust God and his plan.  Just think, if we put all that energy that we use to worry and we direct it to trusting that it’s all in God’s hand knowing that he only has the best plan for us, we could all live our lives to the fullest.

I believe that as long as we just trust God, he is going to bless us beyond our emagination.

Romans 8:28  And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.

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